Python Inner working that not told by anyone to everyone

Python Inner working that not told by anyone to everyone

Python is an interpreted language which means it executes code line by line by the python interpreter .

Python Byte Code

Python compile source code to intermediate byte code . This Byte code generated is low level and platform independent code which executed by python virtual machine means , Byte code can be run at any platform but PVM is required .

Python Virtual Machine

PVM is also called python interpreter . Basically virtual machine is a continuous code loop in which provided byte code is iterated . It is the run engine of python which runs byte code and byte code is not a machine code means cannot run to any of the engine it need specific interpreter called PVM .

Import Mechanism:

Python's import mechanism allows modular programming. Modules are separate files containing Python definitions and statements. The import statement is used to bring modules or their components into the current namespace.

Insights of python have been taken from Chai aur Python #ChaiCode Series explained by Mr. Hitesh Chaudhary, refer to this